🌟 New Features Alert! 🌟 Auctions, Player Warps, PayHeal, Back Command, & more!

Dear EmeraldsMC Community,

We are excited to announce some fantastic new features and updates that we've integrated into the server over the past week. These changes are aimed at enhancing your gameplay and overall experience within the EmeraldsMC community.

Here's a quick rundown of the notable changes:

1. Pay Heal Feature (/pheal)

  • For just $500 Emeralds Cash, you can now quickly restore your health to full hearts. Keep your adventures going without a worry!
  • Use /pheal to start the process, then use /pheal confirm to heal yourself!

2. Farewell to Elytra Donor Perk

  • We have removed the Elytra donor perk. This decision was made due to ongoing issues and limitations with the feature, making it almost unusable. Rest assured, we're actively exploring potential substitutions to bring you enhanced Elytra functionalities. In the meantime, we will maintain the Vanilla Elytra functionality.

3. Player Warps Now Available!

  • Introducing the Player Warps (PW) feature! You can now set warps for your land, shop, or other favorite places. To access the PlayerWarp menu, simply type /pw open. We've made sure this feature is accessible to all players:
    • Members: 2 free warps
    • $: 3 free warps
    • $$: 4 free warps
    • $$$: 6 free warps
    • <3$$$: 8 free warps
    • Elite: 10 free warps
4. New (/back) Command for $$+

  • Good news for $$ rank and higher players! You can now use the /back command to teleport back to your death point. It's the perfect tool for navigating your adventures.

5. Introducing /casino

  • Get ready to roll the dice! With the /casino command, you can easily teleport to the casino table for some thrilling entertainment.

6. Auctions Are Here

  • We've added the Auctions feature to the server. Access the Auction House by typing /ah menu and use it to sell your items. Simply hold the item you want to auction, then use /ah sell <price> to start your auction. It's a great way to trade items and discover unique treasures!

We hope you enjoy these new features, and we're continually working to bring more exciting updates to enhance your gameplay. Stay tuned for more surprises and improvements in the future.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and we appreciate your ongoing support.

Best regards,
EmeraldsMC Community Team
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